<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> " /> " /> <%if request("lm")<>"" then response.Write request("lm")&"-" end if%><%=jianji.sysinfo("title")%> <% if request.Cookies("admin")("login")="true" then my_id=0 elseif request.Cookies("user")("login")="true" then my_id=request.Cookies("user")("id") end if set rs=conn.execute ("select count(*) as tnum from comment where isread=0 and class=2 and name='"&my_id&"'") if rs("tnum")>0 then snum=""&rs("tnum")&"" end if rs.close %>
<% if request("lm")<>"留言" then if request.Cookies("admin")("login")="true" then sql2="select * from comment where slide =1 and pic<>'' and lm<>'技术专题'" else sql2="select * from comment where slide =1 and disp=1 and pic<>'' and lm<>'技术专题'" end if if request("lm")<>"" then sql1=sql1&" and lm='"&request("lm")&"'" else sql1= sql1&" and lm<>'留言'" end if sql=sql2&" order by id desc" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not rs.eof then%>
<%end if rs.close%> <% if request.Cookies("admin")("login")="true" then sql2="select top 2 * from comment where pic<>''" else sql2="select top 2 * from comment where disp=1 and pic<>''" end if sql=sql2 &" ORDER BY zan desc" 'response.write sql 'response.end rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not rs.eof then %> <% end if rs.close%>
<%end if%>
<%if jianji.sysinfo("guest")=1 or request.Cookies("user")("login")="true" or request.Cookies("admin")("login")="true" then%>
<% Sql="select * from [type] where disp=1 and (islink is null or islink=0) and title<>'留言' order by num asc,id desc" rs1.open Sql,conn,3,3 if not rs1.eof then do while not rs1.eof if rs1("islink")=1 then navurl=rs1("url") else navurl="index.html?lm="&rs1("title")&"" end if %> &order=default" <%if request("lm")=rs1("title") then%> class="tactive"<%end if%>><%=rs1("title")%> <% rs1.movenext loop end if rs1.close%>
<% if request("order")="my" and request.Cookies("user")("login")="" and request.Cookies("admin")("login")="" then %>
您需要登录后才可以查看, 请先登录
<% else %>
<% if request("order")="my" then my_mid="01," sql="select * from comment where uid='"&my_id&"' and class in (0,1)" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not rs.eof then do while not rs.eof my_mid=my_mid&rs("upid")&"," rs.movenext loop end if rs.close my_mid=left(my_mid,len(my_mid)-1) end if rquest_lm=jianji.enhtml(request.QueryString("lm")) rquest_ip=jianji.enhtml(request("ip")) rquest_uid=jianji.enhtml(request("uid")) rquest_key=jianji.enhtml(request("key")) if request.Cookies("admin")("login")="true" then sql="select * from comment where upid=0 and class in (0,1)" else sql="select * from comment where upid=0 and disp=1 and class in (0,1)" end if if jianji.sysinfo("audit")=1 and request.Cookies("admin")("login")="" then sql1=sql1&" and zt=1" end if if request("lm")<>"" then sql1=sql1&" and lm='"&rquest_lm&"'" end if if request("ip")<>"" then sql1=sql1&" and ip='"&rquest_ip&"'" end if if request("utype")=1 then sql1=sql1&" and type=1" end if if request("uid")<>"" then sql1=sql1&" and uid='"&rquest_uid&"'" end if if request("order")="my" then sql1=sql1&" and uid='"&my_id&"'" end if if request("key")<>"" and request.Cookies("admin")("login")="true" then sql1=sql1&" and (name like '%"&rquest_key&"%' or content like '%"&rquest_key&"%')" elseif request("key")<>"" and request.Cookies("admin")("login")="" then sql1=sql1&" and disp=1 and (name like '%"&rquest_key&"%' or content like '%"&rquest_key&"%')" end if sql2=" order by ontop desc,replytime desc,id desc" if request("order")="new" then sql2=" order by id desc" end if if request("order")="zan" then sql2=" order by zan desc" end if if request("order")="hot" then sql2=" order by reply desc" end if mysql=sql&sql1&sql2 'response.Write sql 'response.end rs.open mysql,conn,1,3 if not rs.eof then dim currentpage,page_count,Pcount dim totalrec,endpage if request("page")="" then currentPage=1 else currentPage=cint(request("page")) end if perpage=12 rs.PageSize = perpage rs.AbsolutePage=currentpage page_count=0 totalrec=rs.recordcount lou=0 while (not rs.eof) and (not page_count = rs.PageSize) select case rs("uid") case "-1" art_title=rs("name") case "0" art_title="admin" case else sql="select * from [user] where id="&rs("uid") set rs2=conn.execute(sql) if not rs2.eof then art_title=rs2("username") end if rs2.close end select %>
<%jianji.user_tx rs("uid"),rs("ip")%>
    <% if rs("class")=1 then%>
  • <%else%>
  • "><%=art_title%>

    <%if rs("ontop")=1 then%>
    <%end if%>


  • <%if rs("pic")<>"" then%>
    <% mpic=split(rs("pic"),",") for pi=0 to ubound(mpic) %> <% next%>
    <%end if%>
  • <%end if%> <%if request("lm")<>"留言" and rs("stract")<>"" then%> <%elseif request("lm")="留言" then%> <% rsql="select * from [comment] where upid="&rs("id")&"" sql=rsql&rsql1&" order by id desc" rs1.open Sql,conn,3,1 if not rs1.eof then i=0%>
    <%do while not rs1.eof select case rs1("uid") case "-1" com_author=rs1("name") case "0" com_author="admin" case else sql="select * from [user] where id="&rs1("uid") set rs2=conn.execute(sql) if not rs2.eof then com_author=rs2("username") end if rs2.close end select if rs1("class")=2 then select case rs1("name") case "0" reply_author="admin" case else sql="select * from [user] where id="&rs1("name") set rs2=conn.execute(sql) if not rs2.eof then reply_author=rs2("username") end if rs2.close end select com_title=com_author&"评论"&reply_author else com_title=com_author end if i=i+1%>
    • &class=2&send=<%=rs1("uid")%>',800,400)"><%=com_title%>


      <%if jianji.isadmin() or request.Cookies("user")("id")=rs1("uid") then%> ,<%=rs1("upid")%>)" > <%end if%>
    • <%=jianji.enhtml(rs1("content"))%>
    <%if i<>rs1.recordcount and rs1.recordcount>1 then %>
    <%end if%>
    <%rs1.movenext loop%>
    <% end if rs1.close %> <%else%> <%end if%>
)" tips="点赞"><%=rs("zan")%> <%if rs("noreply")=false then%> ,<%if rs("visitpwd")<>"" then response.write 1 else response.write 0 end if%>,1)"> .html" class = "cy_cmt_count" style="font-size:15px;" > <%end if%> <%if request("lm")<>"留言" then%> <%end if%> <%if jianji.isadmin() or request.Cookies("user")("id")=rs("uid") then%> <%if rs("class")=0 then%> 】','lib/message.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>',800,400)" tips="编辑"> <%else%> 】','lib/article.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>','95%','95%')" tips="编辑"> <%end if%> )" tips="删除"> <%end if%> <%if jianji.isadmin() then%> <%if rs("zt")=0 and jianji.sysinfo("audit")=1 then%> ,'审核通过?')" tips="审核通过"><%end if%> ,[<%=rs("ontop")%>,<%=rs("isnice")%>,<%=rs("isnote")%>])" tips="设置属性"> <%if rs("noreply")=False then%> ,'禁止评论?')" tips="禁止评论"> <%else%> ,'恢复评论?')" tips="恢复评论"><%end if%> <%if rs("slide")=1 then%> ,'取消幻灯片?')" tips="取消幻灯片"> <%else%> ,'设置幻灯片?')" tips="设置幻灯片"><%end if%> <%end if%> <% if rs("file")<>"" then suffix=Mid(rs("file"), InstrRev(rs("file"), ".") + 1) if instr("mp4,avi,MOV",suffix)>0 then %> "> 观看 <%else %> <%if jianji.isadmin() then%> ,<%=rs("jf")%>)" > 设置下载积分 <%else%> )"> 附件下载 <%if rs("jf")>0 then response.Write "(需"&rs("jf")&"积分)" end if%> <%end if%> <%end if end if %>
<%page_count = page_count + 1 rs.movenext lou=lou+1 wend else%>
<% end if rs.close%>
<% if totalrec>perpage then dim ii,p,n if totalrec mod perpage=0 then n= totalrec \ perpage else n= totalrec \ perpage+1 end if if currentPage=n then response.Write"" else response.Write"阅读更多" end if end if %>
<% end if else%>
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<%end if%>
<%if request("lm")="留言" then%>
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<%end if%>
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